

At Menlo, we follow a few core principles to guide us in building our products.

User Owned

We build tools that are user-owned. Our products are open-source (opens in a new tab), designed to run offline or be self-hosted (opens in a new tab). We make no attempt to lock you in, and our tools are free of user-hostile dark patterns (opens in a new tab) [^1].

We adopt Local-first (opens in a new tab) principles and store data locally in universal file formats (opens in a new tab). We build for privacy by default, and we do not collect or sell your data.

Right to Tinker

We believe in the Right to Repair (opens in a new tab). We encourage our users to take it further by tinkering, extending, and customizing (opens in a new tab) our products to fit their needs.

Our products are designed with Extension APIs, and we do our best to write good documentation so users understand how things work under the hood.

Build with the Community

We are part of a larger open-source community and are committed to being a good jigsaw puzzle piece. We credit and actively contribute to upstream projects.